9 BR 6.5 BA 23 Guests Private Pool and SpaAtlantis Beach House by AMI LocalsClose To BeachBalcony, Rooftop AccessRooftop DeckOutdoor Living AreaOutdoor Recreation AreaBreakfast BarPrimary Bedroom, KingLiving AreaLiving AreaFully Equipped KitchenSecond KitchenSecond KitchenDining AreaPrimary Bathroom, EnsuitePrimary Bathroom, EnsuiteSecond Bedroom, KingSecond Bathroom, EnsuiteThird Bedroom, KingThird Bathroom, EnsuiteThird Bathroom, EnsuiteThird Bathroom, EnsuiteFourth Bedroom, King5th Bedroom, KingSecond Floor BathroomSixth Bedroom, KingSeventh Bedroom, KingEighth Bedroom, QueenNinth Bedroom, Twin/Twin BunkThird Floor BathroomRecreation AreaBalcony, Lounge AreaBalcony, Dining AreaRooftop DeckRooftop DeckPrivate Pool and SpaPoolside LoungersAtlantis Beach House by AMI LocalsAtlantis Beach House by AMI Locals Request info Search Availability